About Me

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I'm a person that has an active mind and shows an unfeigned interest in the world around me. I'm egoistical and ambitious, almost to the point of megalomania, and will stop at nothing to get what I want. Honestly I enjoy being the centre of attention. If my friend faces a problem or dilemma I will be there to offer help, and when others leave the field of battle the I makes a step forward to solve the problem with dignity. I set the high standard of actions for myself as well as for other people and are surprised when others cannot cope with a task; I'm so carried away by the process that fail to see other people's weaknesses. I can be quick-tempered and obstinate, and sometimes too outspoken, but there is usually good advice in my criticisms or suggestions. I believe my vibrant, positive attitude is irreplaceable to have around and one can always count on me to support my friends unequivocally in times of need =P

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Do I need to be strong or powerful enough to make people around me to be happy??

I always tell my friend I wanna to be strong to protect people around me and I don't want them to be sad or get hurt. In school I'm willing to teach my friends who need help in their studies. That's in School how about in the world outside the school. My uncle gave me a lot of stories and examples and he warned me to be more careful with what I want, to pay attention with the greed inside of me. My dad said that greed most often begins with the fear of not having enough or of not being important. If you're a good friend of mine, I'm sure I've told you this thousand times I want people to remember my name haha I want people to think that I'm an important person so they'll actually remember me. I'm such a bad ass who act like a good guy ckck!

I like to learn History or Social Studies because it teaches me more than just a history. For example, The Cold War between USA and Soviet Union was a classic example of how fear could lead these two powerful countries to an unending sense of insecurity of not being THE BEST! In my point of view of this war is that the more powerful we become, the more we worry about someone else becoming powerful

1 comment:

Willy Wonka said...

hmm... betul2..
"I want people to remember my name"
"Gw tu mau org2 inget nama gw"
hahahahhaa!! lu selalu bilang gtu, pal... wakakakakakakak!!