About Me

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I'm a person that has an active mind and shows an unfeigned interest in the world around me. I'm egoistical and ambitious, almost to the point of megalomania, and will stop at nothing to get what I want. Honestly I enjoy being the centre of attention. If my friend faces a problem or dilemma I will be there to offer help, and when others leave the field of battle the I makes a step forward to solve the problem with dignity. I set the high standard of actions for myself as well as for other people and are surprised when others cannot cope with a task; I'm so carried away by the process that fail to see other people's weaknesses. I can be quick-tempered and obstinate, and sometimes too outspoken, but there is usually good advice in my criticisms or suggestions. I believe my vibrant, positive attitude is irreplaceable to have around and one can always count on me to support my friends unequivocally in times of need =P

Friday, June 5, 2009

A hero

In my opinion, I think a hero is someone you can look up to. Someone who has a solid character and who others could love to be. A hero could be very brave and willing to put their life aside for another's happiness. A hero could be anybody, anybody who can make someone's day. They're able to understand you and willing to listen to your miseries. They offer you advise and frankly tell you that they don't know how to help. A hero is someone who still stands by your side when other people turn their back against you. Someone who is willing to help fight your battles and they're able to make you feel safe, secure and comfortable even in the middle of wars. A hero is someone who lend you their shoulder when you're sad and when you cry. Just by being around them you could find peace and love. They could make you smile without saying any words. By the way a hero doesn't need to have super humanpower, they don't have to be able to fly like a superman or run in the speed of light. A hero can be any sex and race and they don't have to be human, they could be animal too. They don't have to be good in martial art and they don't even have to be rich, handsome or beautiful. In addition, they don't need to use or show off their advanced gadgets. A hero doesn't need to be good at everything but they help you to learn towards your future.

I've seen regular people do extraordinary things
I've seen you help each other up after you've been knocked down
I've seen people stand together when times are tough &
I've seen the smallest act make the biggest change
My parents have helped me to realize
one person can make a difference in the lives of others
They said,"Have faith in yourself and you will find hope in each other"
Remember, it's not the mask that makes the hero
It's about the choices they make and the desire to do what's right
I've seen that desire in my parents
It inspired me to promise I would do everything in my power to protect
the people that I love and care about
We have to keep fighting to make the world a better place.
A Hero is anybody, and everybody,
Everyone is someone’s Hero,
And everybody has a Hero.
Be heroes I know you are

1 comment:

Willy Wonka said...

sesuatu yg susa ditulis?? well... great job pal... ^^
I totally agree.. tp g rasa, klo lu explore lagi pikiran lu, bakal ada tulisan yg lebih dasyat lg dr ini... it's nice to be someone's hero.. but, can we become a hero for ourselves?