About Me

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I'm a person that has an active mind and shows an unfeigned interest in the world around me. I'm egoistical and ambitious, almost to the point of megalomania, and will stop at nothing to get what I want. Honestly I enjoy being the centre of attention. If my friend faces a problem or dilemma I will be there to offer help, and when others leave the field of battle the I makes a step forward to solve the problem with dignity. I set the high standard of actions for myself as well as for other people and are surprised when others cannot cope with a task; I'm so carried away by the process that fail to see other people's weaknesses. I can be quick-tempered and obstinate, and sometimes too outspoken, but there is usually good advice in my criticisms or suggestions. I believe my vibrant, positive attitude is irreplaceable to have around and one can always count on me to support my friends unequivocally in times of need =P

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Sunset

by A.G.K.H.

Do you ever watch the sunset?
And just stand and think about things
You'll fall deeper into your thoughts
Because it's so peaceful at sunset

As the suns dips low in the sky
It could clam you inner self a bit
They show you all dreams to be met
They could inspire you

Sunset beauty makes you feel strong
It reminds you how powerful you are
Makes you feel capable and strong
Giving you a new hope and strength

At sunset you'll find peace
There's where all your fears cease
It seems all your fears are quelled
to see a sight so extraordinary

The serenity gives you a chance
A chance for you to reflect
Life can be overwhelming at times
But your life has meanings after all

1 comment:

SHERlicious said...

hehe. gw hampir stiap hari ngliat sunset. org hum gw ngadepnya k barat.. kalo mo liat sunset, kehalang2 mobil motor lalu lalang.. hahaha.. jd lucu kl dikaitin sama blog u ini. haha..