About Me

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I'm a person that has an active mind and shows an unfeigned interest in the world around me. I'm egoistical and ambitious, almost to the point of megalomania, and will stop at nothing to get what I want. Honestly I enjoy being the centre of attention. If my friend faces a problem or dilemma I will be there to offer help, and when others leave the field of battle the I makes a step forward to solve the problem with dignity. I set the high standard of actions for myself as well as for other people and are surprised when others cannot cope with a task; I'm so carried away by the process that fail to see other people's weaknesses. I can be quick-tempered and obstinate, and sometimes too outspoken, but there is usually good advice in my criticisms or suggestions. I believe my vibrant, positive attitude is irreplaceable to have around and one can always count on me to support my friends unequivocally in times of need =P

Monday, March 15, 2010

High School Love

High School Love
by A.G.K.H.

On the first day of the senior high
Our eyes met as we walked through the gate
She was looking right at me
She was very cute and pretty
Her eyes were shinning and sparkling
Her smile struck my soul
It felt like we're starring at each other for several seconds

Was it destiny or fate? or by chance?
The teacher moved me to sit right next to her.
Watched her studying in class
and looked at her smile almost everyday
It made me really happy

We passed each other at the train station
and my heart was beating so hard
I wanted to say something to her
but my voice did not come out
My mind was blank

When I finally got up the courage to look back
She just happened to be looking back too
Time stopped and everything around us seemed faded away
When the train came, we both looked away quickly

Through out the year, we hardly talk to each other
but we were text messaging each other.
We were supporting and encouraging each other
Somehow I felt like I knew her better

At the end of the year,
after I had Christmas party at my friend's house
I found myself standing in front of her house
Holding my phone to ask her out.

There was a light still on on one of the rooms
so she was probably still up, but...
in the end I did not call or even text her.
I did not have the courage to tell her those three words

This sweet distance felt so close yet so far
She was so close but seemed so far away
but with just a phone...I could reach her!!

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